CDBG Neighborhood Revilatlization Plan

Executive Summary

The following 2017 Revitalization Plan for the neighborhood south of Main Street in Pickens, South Carolina:

  • Was prepared by the City of Pickens staff;

  • Is the product of a citizen-driven planning process which involved guidance from the entire neighborhood, City Council Members and City staff throughout the summer of 2017;

  • Describes the history, condition and location of the neighborhood, as well as its current problems associated with the condition of (1) infrastructure and public facilities, (2) crime & safety, (3) financial condition, and (4) affordable housing.

  • Describes the strategic goals developed by the community meetings as they correspond with the desired outcomes of the Neighborhood Revitalization Program;

  • Recommends comprehensive strategies, time frames, responsible parties, and partners for producing long-term revitalization solutions in the neighborhood.

It is necessary to prioritize a list of capital projects for future CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization funding consideration. There were several high priorities found during this process, which Phase II of the Neighborhood Revitalization implementation (2018-2019) will address. Restoring sidewalks and selectively repairing existing ones where there is a need in high-foot traffic areas in order to provide safe, walk-able pathways in this neighborhood where access to transportation is a challenge is a top priority. With the neighborhood’s close proximity to downtown and other important resources such as the new Pickens Doodle Park, an investment in sidewalks would have a great impact, especially the much needed addition of sidewalks along S. Lewis Street. Phase II will also include the demolition of dilapidated structures within the Study Area to ensure the safety of the community at large. During Phase II, the City will also address the replacement of an old asbestos cement water main with galvanized services along Pendleton Street and asphalt patching where the work takes place; as this is a large main it will be phased into Phase III to complete that problem area.  

Activities recommended for a proposed Phase III of Neighborhood Revitalization implementation (2020-2021) include the addition of a marked walkway on the existing asphalt with flexible delineators to allow for residents along Booth and Morris to have a safe path on those two one-way streets within the Study Area. Street resurfacing of Garvin Street, installation of new sidewalk along Liberty Drive, the second phase of the Pendleton Water Main replacement, and the demolition dilapidated structures within the Study Area will also be included in Phase III.

The City of Pickens realizes the needs in this area and will continue to apply for future grant funding to phase in additional projects which the community feels there is a need.