Water and Sewer Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)

As infrastructure ages it is often hard to decide where and how to make improvements in your system. To help the decision process the City of Pickens continuously updates its capital improvement plan (CIP). Our CIP identifies projects that need to be addressed in the next 5 to 10 years. These projects are outside the scope of daily routine maintenance such as line and pump repairs. A CIP also helps us decide how the City will pay for the improvements.

In 2014 the City entered into an agreement with Energy Systems Group (ESG). ESG helped the City utilize a new funding mechanism called a performance contract. ESG identified items on our capital improvements plan that would also generate large energy or operational savings for the City. An example of this would be the water treatment plant distribution pumps. Replacing these pumps would save the City thousands of dollars a year in energy cost; nonetheless, due to the age and wear on the pumps they were also on our CIP to be replaced in the next few years. This made the distribution pumps a prime candidate for replacement in a performance contract. All areas of the water and sewer system will see improvements through this project. The total project cost is approximately $5 million. A project completion breakdown is shown below. 

Water Meter Change Out
% Complete - 100%

Water Treatment Plant Improvements
% Complete - 50%

Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements
% Complete - 25%

Water Distribution System Improvements
% Complete - 100%

Sewer Collection System Improvements
% Complete - 50%