Business Resources
Ascend Pickens is committed to our local businesses and to recruiting new businesses to Pickens. Ascend works with merchants to improve the current business climate and also to recruit new businesses to fill voids. Topping our list are initiatives and incentives that we can bring to the businesses from both the private sector and local government to help our long standing businesses and start-ups alike. Ascend is also working with merchants and local government to streamline the process for starting and maintaining business in Pickens. Ascend is committed to improving the business climate in Pickens in every aspect we can, and we need all the help we can get from our local businesses and those knowledgeable in the business environment. We hope this section will provide local entrepreneurs with many helpful resources as they navigate business ownership in Pickens!
- Looking to start a business in Pickens or just want a refresh? Check out the Business Assistance Guide & see Pickens at a Glance!
- Looking for a space in Pickens? Check out our list of Available Properties.
For even more great resources about opening or owning a business in Historic Pickens, please visit the City of Pickens Business Resources page for loads of helpful information!