Business Compliance Information

Get off on the right foot by making sure your new business complies with the requirements of local, state, and federal government.  To start this process, download the following SC SBDC Checklist for Starting a New Business.  Also see the following resources:
City of Pickens Compliance
For the easiest way to learn about local permitting, zoning, and licensing processes, see the Pickens Business Assistance Guide.  It contains the important contacts and information you will need.
State of SC Compliance
Whether filing with the SC Secretary of State, the SC Department of Revenue, the SC Employment Security Commission, the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, or the SC Department of Consumer Affairs, there are several areas of compliance which businesses must satisfy.  Fortunately, there is a single website for completing the paper work and paying the fees: South Carolina Business One Stop (SCBOS).  See the following SC SBDC Informational Flyer that explains just what you can accomplish on SC BOS.
Federal Government Compliance
Take time to review the Checklist for Starting a New Business for topics like applying for Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). is also a great place for researching federal compliance.  In matters of tax compliance and the Brief Explanation of Legal Structures consult with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a licensed attorney to set your business up in the right way.  Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.  Investing in professional help on the front end prevents entrepreneurs from making costly mistakes in the long-run.