Pickens Downtown Master Plan

Pickens Downtown Master Plan

The Pickens Downtown Master Plan is based upon implementation of the Pickens Community Master Charrette Report produced by the Main Street South Carolina (MSSC) Team in July 2012. MSSC assembled a team in architecture, planning, historic preservation, economic development and community branding that ascribes to the Main Street Four-Point Approach to downtown revitalization. To begin implementation of recommendations related to the design of downtown, the Pickens Downtown Master Plan illustrates how recommendations can be implemented. Pickens is a growing community of 3,126 people located at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in upstate South Carolina. To the north of Pickens, the Appalachians can be seen from Main Street and marks the eastern edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Named for the Revolutionary War hero, General Andrew Pickens, the town was moved in 1868 to the current location so that the County Seat would be near the center of the county. Today, Pickens still serves as the County Seat of Pickens County and is poised to continue to grow both economically and physically.