Roll Cart Information
We are excited to announce that the Public Works Department will be distributing new garbage roll carts. We will be delivering roll carts to sanitation customers within city limits on May 4, 5, & 6, 2023.
If your existing city issued roll cart is in good condition, you may keep it if you would like. If not, leave at road and it will be taken to be recycled.
Only city-issued roll carts will be collected. No other type of container is allowed.
If you are elderly or have a disability and need assistance with your roll cart placement, please call Megan Anders at 864-898-8158.
Each roll cart will have an hang tag attached to the handle with instructions for placement and the ordinances governing collection. It is important to follow all guidelines to ensure your roll cart is collected each week.
Call Megan Anders at 864-898-8158